A message from the General Secretary
Kuzuzangpo la,
Welcome to the official website of the Bhutan Hardware Association, I hope our website would be a help to every one of you and hope this website guides you through the journey of the Bhutan Hardware Association.
The objective of this site is to bridge the communication gap it is the platform for one-stop information on Hardware sectors in Bhutan.
We endeavour to give you a pleasant experience while visiting the website and to make it as informative as possible. A lot of information has been provided across the site which should be handy to the users.
As the Hardware sector is one of the business sectors in Bhutan, which contributes to the economy of Bhutan, this sector has created employment opportunities and livelihood for the people. As we look back today, this sector has come a long way in building society.
As of today, Bhutan Hardware Association has members all over the country making it a national association for the hardware Sectors in Bhutan.
The secretariat Office works towards the welfare and acts as the immediate stakeholder for the Hardware Sectors in Bhutan
We hope that our website will help everyone to get information on the hardware sectors in Bhutan.
If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to contact the Bhutan Hardware Association secretariat office. We are all always grateful for feedback on the website and recommendations for improvement.
Tashi Delek!

TenZin Namgay
General Secretary